Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day before December post

 Eh haven't posted in a while. Still no new photos. It's been really fucking cold lately and even stepping outside of my toasty home freezes up my knuckles. Turkey Day was a success, family, food, fun all that good stuff. Sorry to whoever reads this post and was going to go on the skate trip to Sacramento with me. This weekend I have to go up to Sacramento for a funeral for my grandmas brother. I'm not sure if i knew him but losing family is always something sad. The trip will be post poned to next saturday all. On the plus side little JJ can come next week.

First stop Matherfield Skatepark, Rancho Cordova.

Then, to Granite Skatepark, Sacramento

 Last week my cousin and I were having a conversation on movies we really liked. I remembered this one movie but I really couldn't put my finger on the name. So I told him I liked the movie Little Miss Sunshine, and that sparked the name of the movie I was really thinking of.

Great movie.

Hey whadayahknow? Great cover by Jay Electronica.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Hahahahaha friend of mine sent this to me when I was supposed to be writing a 7 page essay. Got so distracted I got an A. Thank you Baracka Flacka Flame.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

HAHAH had to reblog this.

So word on the street was that there is this face in the boys bathroom on the 3rd floor. I remember when we had a session up at Cal Peter was putting his finger through his fly and was yelling "LOOK HOW BIG YOU ARE." Found out what it was...

Whats that above the urinal?

About to fall asleep to this. Then wake up the next morning with it stuck in my head.

Monday, November 8, 2010



August. Lean to tail the hip

Luigi. Front board

Pete. Nosegrind

Luigi doesn't know what to do with himself.

Homies browsing the Vans store for kicks.


Cr3W pIC!!!

Sunflower seeds are the shit.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Some photos I've taken in the past.

August, lean to tail

Augie, frontside ollie on the big wall.

Haha, the homies in chinatown.

 Augie.Crooks down the A-frame

Ollie over a chain.

Crooks down Westlake handrail.

Still Kids

"you don't appreciate something until it's gone."
This is probably one of my favorite sayings of all time. So i take advantage of my youth. Having a great time skating, kickin it with homies, riding bikes, taking photos, these are all some of my favorite hobbies. I don't reallly mind growing up, but it sucks knowing i can never have those years as a kid back.